No matter if you already have you vlog up and running or if you are considering starting one, then you need to know that there are some materials or tools that you need besides your vlogging camera. One of them is a vlogging tripod.

While you may have heard that you can start a vlog without spending any money since you can even shoot videos with your smartphone, the reality is that as a vlogger (even a beginner vlogger), you want to ensure that you always deliver high-quality content. And you won’t achieve this high of quality when you are using your phone to shoot videos as well as you really need a tripod. However, tripods also have cons.
Pros Of Using A Vlogging Tripod

#1: Stability:
There’s no question that one of the main pros of a vlogging tripod is stability. Whenever you want to shoot a video of yourself at your desk, for example, a tripod will work just fine. After all, the last thing you want or need is to end up with a video that is shaky.
Notice that in what concerns to tripods, three legs are always better than just two.
Discover the best tripods for vlogging.
#2: Slows You Down:
While this may sound counterintuitive, the truth is that sometimes vloggers rush things. Just think of a situation that you want to shoot. You need the time to position your camera right to ensure that you record the best video. On the other hand, when you don’t use a vlogging tripod, you will keep rushing things and your videos may not look as good as they could.
#3: Good For Long Exposure, Double Exposure, And HDR:
As we mentioned above, stability is one of the major advantages of using a vlogging tripod. However, on some occasions, you may feel the need to make it even more stable. I these cases, you can always hang something heavy from the bottom to weigh it down even more. Enable mirror-lockup and use a remote to further guarantee zero movement. Even the slightest vibration can mess up your image, so a good, strong, sturdy tripod is the first step in getting sharp shots.
These are the best low light vlogging cameras.
#4: Goes Extra Low And Extra High:
No matter what you are trying to shoot, a vlogging tripod can help you get that desired angle than you could never get if you were holding the camera on your hands. And all this without shaking.
Cons Of Using A Vlogging Tripod

#1: The Price:
While you have the option to buy a cheap vlogging tripod, you can be sure tat it won’t satisfy you. besides, you need to think about your camera’s safety as well. Can you imagine placing a $1,000 camera on top of a cheap vlogging tripod? Would you feel comfortable?
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#2: They Are Prohibited In Some Places:
One of the things that many people don’t know is that you can’t use a tripod anywhere you like or want. Besides, if you are shooting a video in a crowded place and what to use a tripod, this may be seen as rude.
#3: Difficult To Carry:
While most tripods are foldable, the reality is that most of them are big. So, you may end up hitting others or hitting objects.