Discover The Zoella Vlogging Camera

Discover The Zoella Vlogging Camera

Famous YouTubers
Zoella is a 26-year-old blogger, fashion and beauty YouTuber, and vlogger from the United Kingdom. Her real-life name is Zoe Elizabeth Sugg and she is the older sister of another vlogger known as Thatcher Joe.   Looking for a powerful vlogging camera? Besides being a vlogger, Zoella is also a writer. In fact, she already published a book called: Girl Online: The First Novel by Zoella which was released back in 2014. In 2015 she published her second book called Girl Online: On Tour: The Second Novel by Zoella, ad she launched her third book in November 2016 called Girl Online: Going Solo.  Zoella's On YouTube It was in 2009 that Zoella decided to launch her main channel of fashion and beauty. Her first video was named 60 Things In…
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Top 5 Vloggers in 2019

Top 5 Vloggers in 2019

Famous YouTubers
There is no question that the number of vloggers has been increasing in the past few years. So, it is normal that we can already see some vloggers with a lot of success. They keep attracting a lot of new viewers and subscribers to their vlogs.  Take a look at the top blogging cameras in 2019. One of the interesting things in this top 5 vloggers in 2019 list is that each one of these vloggers has their own personality and a different type of vlog. Nevertheless, they also share some things. One of them is the fact that all of their videos have high-quality and you can listen to their voices very clearly. In the second place, they keep posting their videos on a regular basis. In the third…
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How Much Does Pewdiepie Make A Year?

How Much Does Pewdiepie Make A Year?

Famous YouTubers
Over the last few years, we have seen a lot of people becoming very famous by sharing their passion. One of them is Pewdiepie. So, how much does Pewdiepie make a year? Looking to start a vlog? Before we start answering this question, it is important to notice that no one knows for sure. However, we did our best to try to come up with an approximated number.  How Much Does Pewdiepie Make A Year? To determine how much does Pewdiepie make a year, we will start by calculating how much he makes for video.  On average, a regular YouTuber can expect to get around $2 per 1,000 views. However, this amount can vary a lot. The reality is that it depends on the quality of the video, its length,…
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How Much Does YouTube Pay?

How Much Does YouTube Pay?

Famous YouTubers, Vlogs
And the one million dollar question seems to be "how much does YouTube pay?" With so many YouTubers that are incredibly popular and so many trying to get to the gold spot, we wonder how much does YouTube pay.  Discover the best blogging cameras in 2019. According to YouTube, YouTubers get paid based on two different criteria: the number of ad viewsthe number of ad clicks While this seems to be fairly simple and obvious, the reality is that it is a bit complicated to determine how much does YouTube pay. After all, it's not just the views that matter.  Take a look at the best blogging tripods. It's More Complicated Than Just Views While most people believe that if the average income per 1,000 views is $1, for example,…
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The Most Popular Cameras YouTubers Use

Famous YouTubers
With so many popular YouTubers, one of the questions that is in a lot of people's minds is what camera do most YouTubers use. After all, we keep seeing them posting high-quality videos, one after the other. Videos that include an amazing audio as well. So, how do they manage to do it?  Discover the best blogging cameras with flip screen in 2019. The truth is that we are about to show you that there is one vlogging camera that is used by many popular YouTubers. However, it is important to keep in mind that no matter the vlogging camera they decided to use, they still have their own personality and their vlogs are completely different. What we are saying is that even though they share the same camera, their…
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