1. Blue Snowball
There is no need to go for more cheaper microphone than the Blue Snowball. When you have lack financial resources at the moment, you better wait for a sale or save money till you can purchase it. In order to record sound to your PC, this is the best priced microphone you can get.

You will be able to switch between two modes with this microphone. These modes are: Cardioid and Omnidirectional.
One more thing to add about this product is that it comes in various colors. It is great for personal taste or if you desire to show it on your videos.

2. Blue Yeti USB microphone
On Amazon, this is the best-seller USB condenser microphone. It is also pretty usual among YouTubers. Its sound quality is quite good for the price as it offers a wide variety of sound-capturing pattern modes.
You can select among bidirectional, cardioid, stereo and omnidirectional. The stereo mode is more selective, despite the fact that it is close to the omnidirectional. It just lets the sound from the left to right to give the surrounding effect. Although, you will most likely utilize the cardioid mode for vlogging.

Lastly, this microphone has the useful buttons that the Snowball is missing for muting and volume control. It has headphones output as well.
Depending on how much money you considered to spend on microphone you will decide if you can afford something better than a Blue Yeti. Though, you can start off with Blue Yeti, it’s going to be good enough for a long time. After some period of time, you can upgrade to a higher quality microphone that is even better at sound suppression, but it’s not required, from the beginning, for sure.

Microphones reach the point where the more money you spend, the better quality of sound you get. You won’t sacrifice crucial features whether you get this or that, as it frequently happens with cameras. By all means, you will get much better sound quality as you spend more money.
3. Audio-Technica AT2020USB
As I didn’t require the switchable patterns offered by Blue Yeti, this is the one I personally utilized because I only cared about having a cardioid microphone that is good at suppressing background noise, because my room is quite an echo chamber.
Audio-Technica microphone has the perfect sensibility pattern if you’re recording from home. This mic only offers the cardioid mode. Only when you need two speakers at the same time, you will want to have a bidirectional mic. Using an omnidirectional microphone is typically a bad idea if you don’t want to hear background noise.

It does not include any mute switch. You get better audio for fewer features that aren’t completely essential.
At this price range it is the best you can buy. Note that semi-professional microphones’ prices start from $300, so, know that this one is better than some of them.
If you really want to get rid of all background noises, then getting something more expensive than an Audio-Technica AT2020 is a good idea.
Condenser microphone’s sound quality is quite good for vlogging as well as for podcasting, although it won’t eliminate the background noise by itself.

If you don’t have the money or capacity to build a home studio, though want to stop worrying about background noise than the Shure SM7B will be your brass ring.
4. Shure SM7B vocal microphone
This isn’t exactly a USB mic. You will require a XLR cable and a preamp that you can connect through USB, but I want to mention this microphone. This Shure microphone is the one you can purchase to suppress all background noise.
It is very much popular among top podcasts, voice-over actors, and even some Twitch streamers and YouTubers. As a dynamic microphone, with its unidirectional pattern, it will only capture what is coming from the front.

Since the microphone records at a quite low DB level to prevent capturing background noise, you will also require a preamp to maximize the signal to usable levels.
This mic is very popular. With Shure SM7B vocal microphone you will sound like you are inside a professional sound-treated room, simply because it will entirely ignore any noise you have in your room.

Note that this product is more expensive than the rest products and it needs additional equipment, like XLR cables and the preamps. Though, it totally worth it.